Sunday, August 28, 2011

Understanding the World

I had one of the most adventurous summers this past summer. I had the opportunity to travel to Spain to study abroad for two months. I was skeptical at first; I felt like I didn't have enough Spanish skills or the knowledge of the Spanish culture to be able to survive in a foreign country. It felt like the day would never get here when I would step on that plane to fly 4000 miles across the Atlantic to the unfamiliar grounds. But when I landed in Spain and took the first deep breathe of the Spanish air, the anxiousness and the nervousness turned into excitement and anticipation. Looking back, it was such an incredible experience, and I would recommend it to anyone whose openminded and openhearted about life outside of our everyday places. I wrote this blog to share with you some of the memories and the moments that I got to experience and will always cherish. You can jump to next page to the beginning, and I hope you will enjoy. 


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