Sunday, August 28, 2011

Alcala de Henares was a beautiful city. With a population just over 200,000, it was a place where you could feel a sense of community and hospitality. In 1998, UNESCO designated the city as one of the World Heritage Sites. Walking the brick streets and taking in the views of ancient buildings truly made me feel connected to the city itself. 

Clock tower in the Plaza de Cervantes.

Rose gardens in the plaza.

Many families took the time to stroll along the plaza every afternoon. 

Kids playing in the plaza.

Statue of Cervantes

Took this on Calle Mayor, which is the main street that runs through the middle of the city. The main street is outlined by restaurants and shops. 
Plaza at night. Many people eat outside in Spain; it's part of the culture. Many people come out for a glass of wine at nights.

On my last day in Madrid, I visited Caixa Forum, which is a cultural center in downtown Madrid. This is the outside of the building. In the picture is the famous "tree wall"

We took the time to visit the business district in Madrid, which is the home to four of the tallest buildings in Spain.

This building was in the shape of a long pyramid. When you stood directly underneath, it felt like the building was leaning over you. Cool optical illusion.

Spain isn't known for its tall skyscrapers but this area is becoming highly industrialized and technologically advanced.

Park area in the business district.

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