Friday, August 26, 2011

a new place, the same smile

I had the opportunity to travel across the pond to Spain this summer. It had always been a dream of mine to visit Europe. You see it in the movies and the books, but experiencing it firsthand is another story in itself. Sitting here writing this in reminiscence of this summer, I can honestly say that it fulfilled every last bit of my expectations, and more. It was a valuable experience that I will treasure for quite some time.

I have always believed in the photograph's ability to rekindle memories within a person. I think it works alot like a smell does, when you smell that certain scent that brings you back to the exact moment and place far away even if it's for just brief few seconds. I want to share with you some moments that I've had the chance to capture. I hope you have the opportunity to travel to Spain one day; it indeed is a beautiful place. But make sure that you understand a place like Mississippi first.

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