Sunday, August 28, 2011

Costa del Sol

San Juan is a holiday in Spain; they called it a "fiesta" day, which translated into "party" day. We were fortunate to have the day off from school, so few buddies and I took a trip down south. Southern coastal region of Spain is known as the Costa del Sol, and its party atmosphere and the beaches are well known.

Streets of Malaga. Big tourist city. Marble walkways and balcony outlined streets.

Concert on the beach for the San Juan Festival.

Got to see the Argentinian singer, Carlos Baute. The crowd was unbelievable.

Next we took an hour bus ride towards east to a city called Nerja. Nerja is known is the balcony of Europe and its old history and laid-back lifestyle was a fun experience.

Maroon Friday on the Mediterranean.

We visited the caves of Nerja. They are over 25,000 years old. By far the oldest cave system in the world. These were mammoth caves, and the largest area was well over 60,000 cubic feet.

Houses on top of he hill in Nerja.

Of all the places, I found this in a small convenient store outside the villas we were staying in. Had a little bit of Spanish kick to it but definitely worth a euro.

View from our villa.

One of the meals in Nerja. Roasted ribs and rice and veggies.
Carriage ride in Malaga. 
Burriana Beach

Aquaduct system in Nerja.

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